JoAnne is an accomplished speech-language pathologist and the founder of Berns Therapy Solutions, a pediatric speech-language therapy clinic headquartered in Green Hills.
Writes for The Informed SLP, a publication that reviews and summarizes the latest research for thousands of SLPs nationwide.
As a former teacher and mother of two, she "gets it" when it comes to working on communication skills in the classroom and at home.
Works with students in the school setting or at 4205 Hillsboro Pike. Just a few blocks from the Green Hills Mall.
#1 Speech-Language Pathologist in Green Hills on Google Reviews and Yelp.
B.S., Elementary Education, Vanderbilt University - Peabody College
M.S., Speech & Language, Vanderbilt University Medical School
Leads a team of 5 talented SLPs in serving the top private schools in Nashville.
Certificate of Clinical Competency, American Speech-Language Hearing Association
Speech-Language Pathologist, Tennessee Department of Health #4855
Elementary Teacher K-6, Tennessee Department of Education #000555180
Specialized Training
Personnel Preparation Training Grant, US Department of Education awarded to Vanderbilt University: Enhancing the Preparation of Speech-Language Pathologists to Collaboratively Address The Language and Literacy Needs of Children with Disabilities (Dr. Melanie Schuele, PI)
Specialized Program in Individualized Reading Excellence (S.P.I.R.E.®)
Lindamood Phoneme Sequencing Program for Reading, Spelling, and Speech (LiPS®)
Hanen It Takes Two to Talk® Instructor - for parents of young children (birth to 5 years of age) who have been identified as having a language delay.
Professional Membership
American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA)
ASHA Special Interest Group 1: Language Learning and Education member
International Dyslexia Association